Directory Change Request Form

Thank you for opting to fill out an update request!

Our website visitors want to get to know you. Help us keep your professional information as up-to-date as possible. Please fill out the appropriate information for your new or existing faculty/staff profile. Please only enter information that is new or needs to be edited.
Is this a new or existing profile?(Required)
Full Name(Required)
Please include relevant academic and professional experience (past positions) and write this text in the third person. For example: Do not include "I teach marketing courses." - Do include "She teaches marketing courses."
Per ICCIT recommendations for consistency, please use Chicago Manual of Style for citation format.
You are welcome to include professional certifications (SHRM, CPA, etc.), links to your SSRN page, and other qualifications/relevant information that may help students get to know you.
Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 40 MB.
Max. file size: 40 MB.
Please Note: Photos must be taken by Ohio University Photography Services. Email to schedule a photo session if needed.